
Rank and File 'Mass picket at Ratcliffe power station'

News from the national Rank and File meeting

Mass picket called at Ratcliffe this Tuesday

Things are warming up again on the Rank and File front. The combine meeting on May 23rd went well full report soon.

At the Liverpool Rank and File meeting it was decided to have a mass picket at Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station for our steward who is still suspended this Tuesday at 6am. Please try and get along its important we show solidarity and demand his reinstatement.


The protest at the Shard London Bridge is on this Wednesday again 30th May 645am. We also heard there was a walkout at Sellafield this week too thats the way to go, if they mess with us down tools!

Protests are being planned at Heathrow Terminal 2 Crown House site. There's a ring of steel at Heathrow making a protest close to the site difficult, we may have a Rank and File meeting there soon they badly need an elected steward or two so come on lads stick your neck out it's do or die.

The new Siteworker is out, contact us with an address at we will gladly send you some. Also there's a new pamphlet on the history of the Rank and File in construction from 1972 up to now. It costs £2 and £1 goes to the Rank and File fighting fund again let us know if you want a few copies.
Finally GMB are planning to take a high court action over blacklisting so anyone in GMB who may be blacklisted contact them asap. There were loads of GMB lads at Wembley Stadium, and other sites since then. Blacklisting was massive and is still going on you can be certain so let's fight it. Call GMB on 0208 202 8272 and ask for Justin Bowden.

Until next week keep on keeping on!

For more info please visit... Electricians Against The World: http ://www . jibelectrician . blogspot . com/

Get in touch with us by email:


Construction 'Rank and File': News from North of the Border


Rank and File News from North of the Border

While we've been sending you all an update most weeks since last August, our brothers in Scotland have been running their own service. Here's a taster of what they've been up to.

Remember to keep in contact with us at More news soon!

Unite Scotland Rank and File News 

In today's news:

  • Besna campaign highlights
  • Southern General Update
  • Redundancies at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
  • Blacklisting
  • Crown House
  • Contract watch
  • Combine
  • National Rank and File
  • EPIU Branch
Besna Highlights

A reminder of what the besna campaign was all about, we will be showing some highlights of the campaign.

Southern General Update

Progress has been made on site with Unite gaining recognition after meetings with Brookfield and Mercury. We have to organise on site now. If anyone is working on the site or if you know someone who is working on the site, could you please let us know.

See attached letter from Scott Foley here.

Redundancies at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

There is currently a redundancy situation with NG Bailey at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary amid fears of Besna backlash. Pay offs when agency guys are still on site are not on. Scott Foley has asked to meet NG Bailey over redundancy process, consultation, agency workers and selection matrix.


Ian Davidson MP is hoping to raise the question of blacklisting at the scottish committee next week. If anyone has any information that could help him, could you cantact Scott Foley on 0845 345 0145 or 07810 157915. Please feel free to distribute this request.

Crown House

You may have already heard that Crown House has left the JIB/SJIB. Crown House is a legitimate target for Rank and File action. We believe that they currently have one contract in Scotland at Shotts Prison and have some more in the pipeline and we are trying to find out who the clients are. If anyone has other or more information on this, could you please let us know.

Contract Watch

Three contracts in Glasgow that we are keeping a close eye on to ensure national agreements are being adhered to are the Commonwealth Games sites, Buchanan Galleries and the New Concert Hall at SECC.

An end to the parasitical Employment Agency
Adherence to National Agreements
Skilled jobs for skilled workers
Meaningful apprenticeships
An end to Blacklisting
There is still a lot of work to do in order to make our aims a reality, but with your help, we can achieve it. Let us build on the success of the BESNA campaign and take that strength of purpose to the next level and clean up our industry.

Together we can.

Unite Scottish Rank and File


Sparks beware of BESNA Mk2 A need for a national 'Rank & File meeting'


BESNA mk 2? 'A jewel in their Cown' [House] Or 'A duel in the Crown' [House] 

A need for another National Rank & File meeting

"We beat em once and we can again."
We said all along BESNA crew wouldn’t take the defeat lying down, well Crown House are meant to be pulling out of the JIB. Obviously that will affect those working for them greatly as they are bound to drop the hourly rate. We have asked Unite to confirm or otherwise and are awaiting their response.

What with this, the Combine, and so much more to discuss, the Rank and File are calling a ‘National meeting’. See below for the details...
'National Rank and File meeting'

26th May 12pm – 4pm 'Liverpool'
            CASA Club, 29 Hope Street L1 9BQ

      [nearest station Liverpool Lime Street].

The CASA club is steeped in trade union history, as it’s owned by some Liverpool dockers, so we will be in great company. Please do your best to get there.

If anyone needs help with train fares let us know

Our suspended Ratcliff Steward

Still awaiting a date for a hearing. If it don't go the right way we know what we got to do!

Blacklisting latest

Last week there was a meeting re: ‘Blacklisting’ held with unite. Two Blacklisted Support Group [BSG] members met with Unite officers and the union lawyers. We believe the solicitors Guney Clarke Ryan have now got the insurance cover against individual cost should we lose the case in place.

We will try and get BSG to do a report back from the meeting. Cheers for all your hard work BSG.

Special financial appeal

Steve Acheson has not worked for 4 years due to Blacklisting what a scandal! Why is this being allowed to continue unchallenged by Unite? Please raise this at your branches and write to AGS Gail Cartamail, demanding Steve is given a job as electrician in the industry. Also help Steve financially by making a donation from your branch funds. If you can spare a few quid contact Steve on 07949335390

Protest update

There was a good turnout at the Shard last week on May Day, but from this week we get back to the regular Wednesday slot meaning Wednesday 9th May at 6.45am at ‘The Shard’.

We should have ‘The Great Agency Rip Off’ leaflets printed this week, from Unite. These can be sent out, no bother, so please let us know how many and where to send them email us on

Upcoming Events

Unite London Construction Branch meeting Wednesday 16th May Holborn, Conway Hall, Bertrand Russell room 6.30pm

Finally, If you have any protests planned or want to advertise Branch meetings etc let us know it’s the site for all of us and a great source if information.

For more info please visit:

Electricians Against The World http ://www . jibelectrician . blogspot . com/
Get in touch with us by Email


Follow Grass Roots Left Chair Jerry Hicks on Twitter #@JerryHicksUnite

Follow Jerry Hicks [Grass Roots Left National Chair] on Twitter click!/JerryHicksUnite
Please feel free to re-tweet these recent Tweets or any others.
6th May: Lain Duncan Smith "Remploy disabled sit around all day drinking coffee" Hang on thats
his job 'Tories love to hate em'!

6th May: They say cut back we say strike map! May 10th strike locations: Visit a picket line near you. Solidarity and respect.

6th May: Ian Duncan Smith says PCS has no right striking on low turnout. Boris has 25% of eligible vote & says its a mandate for driverless trains!

2nd May: Record rain & #flooding = #Standpipes & big bills. Nationalise Water not4profit & Fix leaks/build reservoirs = cheaper bills + Jobs. Easy!

2nd May: MPs offered taxpayer-funded iPads More belt tightening eh! I thought it was free Eye pads so the can turn a blind eye!

1st May: #grassrootsleft: Independent of the machine(s): The Grassroots Left is very 'appealing'

1st May: May Days not about maypoles: History of international workers day @guardian 'Solidarity forever' more than just words!

1st May: 4 Tory MPs vote not to criticise Rupert Murdoch @patrickwintour A fitting act of Class Solidarity on International Workers Day comrades!

30th April: There's lots of tools in Co boardrooms! Try this: Exec pay 'revolt' web tool launched I say TU Gen Secs get 2 much 2

30th April: I blame Bosses 4 job cuts HSBC 3000 Clydesdale & Yorkshire 1400 & Unite reacts Disgusted But no word of a real fight

29th April: Who to blame for the Great Recession? So many big names are in the frame via @guardian And no one I know is on the list

29th April: I feel your pain from 5000 miles away! Tory Councillor lives in California still pockets his £10K Tough choices? RESIGN

29th April: Studio app with all MOD cons! Olympics Missiles Plan On Block Of Flats - But where would anything shot down land? Doh!

29th April: Austerity what austerity! UKs Top 1,000 wealthiest own £414bn up 4.7% setting a new record BBC News -I say Tax the rich

29th April: Cameron commits Cardinal sin! BBC News - PM accused of immoral tax stance Camel & needle 'Call me Dave' your in trouble


Independent of the machine Grassroots Left is very 'appealing'.

Calling for your support


1) £5000 fund drive - For Grassroots Left

The Grassroots Left needs your support - we need money to carry on with our good work!

Account No: 37847868
Sort Code: 77-85-26

Standing order form here

Why me/us?

Jerry Hicks' inspiring election campaign was run on a shoestring budget that confounded the many tens of thousands (or even £100,000s) spent by the other candidates.

There are tens of thousands of Unite members who want to see a democratic union working in their interests, and the
Grassroots Left is the volunteer-run group that is standing up for them.

We have a small but dedicated group of volunteers working hard to keep those grassroots members connected. This is an appeal for help to keep the
Grasroots Left doing what it does best.

Money is tight but we have a lot more work to do! And we need money for everything from leaflets to coach tickets to room rentals to you name it...


We want to set up rank and file committees in different sectors, that can run their own disputes if they need to, like we helped to do with the sparks, helping win the first major victory for the working class in this country since the start of the recession.

We want to continue to help get grassroots candidates elected into leading positions in Unite on the basis of our democratically agreed policies. We came a close second again winning 16,000 votes for
Lesley Mansell in the NEC elections for the LGBT seat.

We want to work on our media and become the first point of call for info on what's happening in Unite. We've made modest progress, by linking up our blogs into a single site, setting up a mailing list and a text messaging list.

Our conference even committed us to encouraging supporters in other unions with similar problems to set up their own initiatives! There's a world of work to be done.

And the
Grassroots Left is the only group in Unite calling for election of all officials and a union controlled by the members.


Please don't spare us your generosity! Help make a dent in our £5000 target or better still set up a regular standing order and formally join the
Grassroots Left.

Account No: 37847868
Sort Code: 77-85-26



Or if you can offer any extra help at all, for example with technical support, or providing us with workplace reports or anything else for the blog, don't hesitate to get in touch by emailing or calling our elected Chair
Jerry Hicks on 07817827912
2) One Grassroots Left & one blog!

Technical problems have meant we've run a couple of Grassroots Left blogs upto now, in addition to Jerry Hicks' campaign blog. But we've decided now to link them up to a central site at Please feel free to send us anything you'd like to see up there, from your own workplace reports, to news articles, whatever you think. Send to

Reclaiming the union(s) for the members
& Independent of the machine(s)