
New TUC General Secretary: Unopposed - Unrepresentative - A Six figure pay package -

Unopposed - Unrepresentative - A Six figure pay package -
 & No election of the full TUC union membership.

This is no way to re-connect with ordinary trade unionists!

Nothing personal, but, [yet another] a six figure salary and no election of all the TUC union members is crap:

O'Grady to become TUC Gen Sec http://gu.com/p/38qp5/tw

Follow Jerry Hicks on twitter https://twitter.com/JerryHicksUnite

UCATT: Another unlawful election.

Press Statement - Press Statement 10/07/12
UCATT: Another unlawful election.

Construction Union guilty of ballot rigging again!


The construction workers union UCATT has again suffered another humiliation, when the Government watchdog, the Certification Office, ruled that their 2011 General Secretary elections was illegal, this is the second election declared illegal in recent years.  This recent setback comes only days after UCATT were ordered to pay an ex-employee £390,000 plus tax and national insurance after an expensive legal battle with the former union official David Short who claimed unfair dismissal and disability discrimination.

The recent certification officers ruling was released on Monday 9 July 2012 and held that the union had acted illegally against its own rules when they barred Michael Dooley from being a candidate in the 2011 General Secretary election. This election was called after Dooley challenged the 2009 General Secretary election in which he was a candidate, that election was declared illegal in March 2010.

Michael Dooley was a popular full time union official in London who was dismissed from his job for fraud in January 2010, following his legal challenge to the 2009 election. An Employment Tribunal found he was unfairly dismissed. He was later expelled from the union for swearing in front of comedian and ex trade unionist Ricky Tomlinson’s image on a banner.

His dismissal was the reason given by UCATT to stop him from standing in the election; the election went ahead with the two favoured candidates ex General Secretary Alan Ritchie who received more nominations than all three candidates and Michael Dooley the favourite to win being disbarred.

Alan Ritchie was disbarred because he was subject to an investigation into financial misappropriation when he was General Secretary; Ritchie denied the charge but subsequently resigned from the union and his job.

Dooley said ” UCATT has been found guilty of ballot rigging, it is my belief that there is still financial mismanagement to be accounted for and I would have exposed that had I been elected as General Secretary” Unions are not gravy trains and should be accountable and act in accordance with the law”        
                                                                                                                                                                           UCATT claim to have 120,000 members and contribute to the Labour Party and the TUC on the members who affiliate, however Dooley believes that the real number could be less than 50,000 paying members and the rest are there to justify the existence of a large number of well-paid officials and the contributions to the Labour Party.
For full background Google:
Construction Enquirer UCATT  shttp://www.constructionenquirer.com/2012/06/29/former-ucatt-official-wins-390000-payout-from-union/  & http://www.certoffice.org/  Dooley v UCATT

Contact Michael Dooley on Tel: 07960032101

Or by email michael-dooley@hotmail.co.uk                                           
UCATT  Press Office Barckley Sumner  mobile; 07802329235: 020 7622 2442


Unite NEC elections: Grass Roots Left 'Reclaiming Unite for the members’.

Urgent: Re: Unite NEC elections: 'Reclaiming Unite for the members’.

If your Unite branch meets between before the 13th July and you are in either the 'General Industries' or 'Food Drink & Tobacco' sectors.................
Please nominate David Beaumont and Mr B. Gill [commonly know as Raj].
Details of both Grass Roots left candidates below. 

David Beaumont. [Email address david@grassrootsleft.org ] Seeking your Branch Nomination for the coming NEC election Servicing and General Industries seat.
Membership number 30163927 Branch Hounslow and Feltham LE/1404m
I have been a member of Unite and its predecessors for 30 years.  I am an ex-member of the Labour party; I have never been a member of any other political organisation.  I am a founding member of 'Grass Roots Left', a broad Left organisation in Unite that wants to return the union to the members, out of the clutches of the few well paid bureaucrats who run it like their family business.

We are the only Left alternative to the small 'broad Left' private club named 'United Left', which conducts business from the top down and is, to all intents and purposes, simply a general secretary supporters club.

If elected I will fight from the inside to make the union more democratic and accountable, and supportive of workers in struggle.  In particular I will oppose the closing down of branches, and instead demand more branch democracy and grant branches more control of our union, not less. The real key to reclaiming our union is the election of officers rather than appointment by the bureaucrats, only Grass Roots Left supports that.

A democratic, bottom up instead of top down union is needed to stand up to the Con Dem government and oppose austerity for the poor and wealth for the tax dodging rich.

I am branch secretary of Hounslow and Feltham branch and have been for about 15 years. My previous lay posts in the union include treasurer of London region.


Mr B. Gill [commonly know by my nick name as Raj]. Seeking your Nomination for the coming NEC election ‘Food Drink and Tobacco seat’
Membership 15437016 / 1393 Hotel Workers Branch

I have been an active trade unionist for more than 30 years continuously, since my early 20’s. My earlier years were spent working for Ford Motor Co for 12 years where I was a member of TGWU 1/1231 Branch during which time I was elected as a Senior shop-steward and H&S Rep.
I was made redundant from the motor industry as were 10,000’s others and I took a job in the Security Industry for G4S where I worked for 21 years. This sector was unregulated, with long hours and low pay and became a union rep and Branch Secretary and help improve TC's. After I was victimized there I had to leave the Industry.

I have accompanied members at hearings in B&Q, IKEA, TESCO, ASDA, and gave representation to workers at food preparation and packing company called Bakkavor as well as advising catering staff at Harrods and Restaurant Associates and Pizza Express etc
Currently I dedicate my time to helping low paid workers in Hospitality sector that included brand name companies such as Guoman, Thistle, Hilton and other Hotel Chains.

I support public sector workers fighting to retain their pension’s provision and am involved in a campaign to stop the merger of NW Hospital Trusts and in defence our NHS. I believe Bankers who abuse the system should be punished and sent to jail.
I believe we have a duty to protect the old and Disabled workers, and all Remploy factories kept open and no cuts to DLA benefits.

In order to fight austerity we need a united front, between private, public and all our communities.
If I am successful in achieving the required number of nominations I shall be standing as a Grass Roots Left candidate and will fight for:

· Members in the food drink and Tobacco industry and all other Unite members

· Retention and reinvestment of jobs in our industry and fighting to ensure no jobs are exported overseas.

·   Unite Officers to be elected by the members, not appointed.

·   Confronting anti-union and other unjust laws both UK and EU.

·   A fighting union not just campaigning, for jobs, terms and conditions and also at a political level for the working class.

  •  Public ownership and keeping public services.

  •  A General Secretary and other National Officers wages are pegged closer to that of members average earnings and not company Directors pay rates.


I ask for your nomination.


Grass Roots Left Chair Jerry Hicks on Twitter

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30/06/12: Cuts what cuts? All in the same boat [or Royal yatch!] Prince Charles has got an 11% pay rise of £232,000 via
For all the Twitter latest............. Follow Jerry Hicks Grass Roots Left Chair on Twitter