
Unite loses at Certification Officer hearing

Unite has just lost two complaints at a hearing by the Independent Trade Union Certification Officer.  He ruled that:
  1. Lizanne Malone AKA 'Los Angeles Liz' had held her position on the union's Executive in breach of the union's rules and 
  2. that all her branch's nominations in last year's Executive elections had been made in breach of the union's rules.
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LA Malone
McCluskey loses
Lizanne Malone was chair of BASSA branch, representing British Airways crew. She is a loyal  supporter of Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey.

Meanwhile BASSA branch members are still trying to inspect the branch's accounts under union rule 19.10. They are attempting to uncover, amongst many other things, how over £1/2 million can be spend on 'sundries' in a single year:

The Independent Trade Union Certification Officer  was set up by Harold Wilson’s reforming Labour government in 1975.