Don't miss the fireworks!- Independent of the Union machine
- Free from the control of 'appointed' officials
- Reclaiming the union/s for the members
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Jerry Hicks: "Six months ago saw the launch of the ‘Grassroots Left’ at a conference convened following the incredible 52,527 votes that we managed to get when I finished as runner up in the Unite General Secretary election.
Jerry Hicks |
Conference elected an interim Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and National Committee, deferring the adoption of a constitution and to hold a recall meeting in 6 months . So here we are!"
'Grassroots Left' National Conference
Birmingham 12 noon to 4pm Saturday 5th November 2011
Comfort Inn Conference Room, Station Street, B5 4DY.
Opposite New St Station, Map at end.
All supporters of the Grassroots Left welcome.
Speakers and discussion:
Elections/Constitution and decisions:
Activities: Who’s been doing what and where. Including..... ‘Rank and File sparks dispute’, ‘Fighting anti-cuts campaigns’, ‘November 30th massive public sector pensions strike’, ‘UCATT GS election’, ‘Simpson’s £361,000 dubious severance payment and how we intend to get it back'.Whether it's 'Unions and members', 'Politicians and electorate', 'the rich and the poor'The gap has never been wider and the need for an alternative has never been greaterThe disconnected, disengaged and disaffected millions are precisely those who should be part of the Grassroots Left to fight for everyone’s future.
In contrast to the slogans of the TUC, many trade union leaders and the Labour party leadership of ‘Cut’s yes, but not so fast and not so deep’
We say, “It’s not a crisis of our making so we why should we be made to pay with our jobs, pay, pensions and services?”
We oppose all austerity cuts that adversely affect working people whether initiated by the Con/Dem government, EU, IMF or World Bank. - Democratic unions with the election of all officials
- Elected by the members, not appointed by the GS or a panel
- Confronting anti-union and other unjust laws in the UK and EU
- For a fighting union, not just a campaigning one
- For public ownership not privatisation
Be part of the Grassroots Left - fighting for a bottom up, member led, member controlled oppositionNot in Unite? Come along or get in touch about meeting GRL supporters in your union or sector
Please let us know if you can make it... Jerry Hicks
Draft Constitution of the Grassroots Left (GRL)For voting - please suggest/bring amendments
The GRASSROOTS LEFT aims to build a rank and file movement in our union controlled by its members themselves. In this way, we are an organisation that is worlds apart from the 'broad lefts'.
This PLATFORM is the property and statement of political intent of those MEMBERS. All those elected as representatives of the GRASSROOTS LEFT are obliged to uphold its PLATFORM, CONSTITUTION and POLICY DOCUMENTS, and we offer our support only to those who do, and continue to do so.
a) For regular elections and right to recall of all officials and reps, who should be paid no more than the average wage of those they represent, for democratic control of the union from the bottom up.
b) For rank and file control over all negotiations and industrial action through mass meetings and elected strike committees.
c) For militant action, strikes and occupations, to stop all cuts - with the backing of the officials when possible, without them where necessary, for recognition and strike pay for ‘unofficial’ strikes.
d) For defiance of the anti-union laws, wherever they are invoked to prevent workers' action, for solidarity strike action with any group of workers or union that is prosecuted under these undemocratic laws.
e) For the right of the rank and file to veto all management decisions and workers' control over all aspects of production, including hiring and firing, for workers' control over and nationalisation without compensation of all firms sacking workers in the interests of profit.
f) For a mass unionisation drive, drawing migrant workers, casual, part-time, low-paid workers, self-employed and the unemployed into the trade unions, against immigration checks and raids, papers for all and freedom of movement: no one is illegal.
g) For the right of all women, black, lesbian, gay, transgender, disabled, migrant and undocumented workers to caucus in the trade unions and voice their own demands, against any discrimination at work, fascists out of the unions and off our streets.
h) For a rank and file movement, across Unite and the whole trade union movement, for cross-European rank and file organisation, for joint action and solidarity with like-minded organisations, for industrial unionism and the democratisation of the labour movement.
a) The GRL shall include as MEMBERS all those who accept the PLATFORM of the GRL, which may be amended at CONFERENCE. The GRL must provide democratic organisational structures to allow for trenchant criticisms of its elected leadership at all times and a ‘seething internal democracy’.
b) MEMBERS shall be required/encouraged (disputed) to make a nominal financial donation to the GRL on an annual basis, if necessary at CONFERENCE itself, and are encouraged to donate more frequently.
c) All union officials and employees are entitled to be MEMBERS and shall have a voice but no vote in the meetings of the group, until such time as they are elected.
d) Local and Sector GRL groups have complete freedom and authority to determine their own organisational and campaigning priorities where this does not contravene the CONSTITUTION of the national organisation.
e) The NATIONAL COMMITTEE shall have the power to suspend any MEMBER it deems to have breached the CONSTITUTION. Suspended MEMBERS shall have the absolute right to appeal to the CONFERENCE, and to have their appeal circulated to all other MEMBERS prior to conference.
4. CONFERENCE is sovereign over all other bodies in the GRL. CONFERENCE shall:
a) Take place at least once annually, convened either by the NATIONAL COMMITTEE or by request by petition of 10% of all MEMBERS to the NATIONAL COMMITTEE including a summary of business proposed for discussion, with due notice and the option of a pooled fare to be provided to all MEMBERS by the NATIONAL COMMITTEE.
b) Elect a NATIONAL COMMITTEE for the GRL, consisting of no more than fifteen MEMBERS.
c) Elect a CHAIR, SECRETARY and TREASURER as OFFICERS, or public representatives of the organisation, included in the fifteen members of the NATIONAL COMMITTEE.
d) Take all decisions and pass all resolutions by majority vote, except amendments to the CONSTITUTION, which require a two thirds vote.
5. NATIONAL COMMITTEE is elected by MEMBERS at CONFERENCE and shall:
a) Act as a ‘collective leadership’ or national decision-making body between CONFERENCEs, leading national initiatives aimed at winning the base of the ‘Broad Lefts’ to the principles of rank and file organisation, and considering proposals from all MEMBERS on how best to further those objectives.
b) Implement national policy agreed by CONFERENCE by a quorum of no less than 51%, and be responsible for the organisation of national events, ensuring that all MEMBERS shall receive at least 14 days notice of the CONFERENCE, and 7 days notice of other events.
c) Aim to meet for one day each month, convening as determined by the previous NATIONAL COMMITTEE, and operating a pooled fare scheme to allow all elected members to attend.
d) Be completely transparent and open to all MEMBERS as observers but will take votes only on the basis of those elected at CONFERENCE to serve on the NATIONAL COMMITTEE.
e) Facilitate the creation and maintenance of a national EGROUP that will allow all members who choose to participate to share information with all other participants of the EGROUP. It will be subject to moderation for inappropriate behaviour and spam by moderators chosen by the NATIONAL COMMITTEE.
f) Maintain a copy of the registered membership and national contact list, and facilitate the creation of and communication between as many new local and sector GRL groups as possible.
g) See that OFFICERS operate under its jurisdiction.
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