28 EIS workers sacked
on Crossrail project.....
So the 'Rank & File' fight back!
28 workers including
2 reps have been sacked at the Westbourne Park site for daring to join a Trade union!
One of those sacked was a safety rep. Shortly after the sacking there was
potentially a very serious accident at the site, when an earth moving conveyor
[hopper] collapsed, luckily though no one was injured, this time anyway!

there are those that still say blacklisting is a thing of the past?! But its
going on right here right now! So as well as the daily pickets we have had a some
great protests over blacklisting and EIS sackings with our comrades in Blacklisted
Supporters Group [BSG].
BAM the main
contractor at Westbourne Park are one of the biggest ‘Blacklisters’ going. There
has been plenty of coverage in the press lately on ‘Blaclisting’ Massive thanks
to BSG.
When employers break the law our response has to be. ............................................'CIVIL
Combine meeting? What Combine meeting??
Did you know
that there was a Combine meeting on the 3rd October? No? Neither did
many of those who did not receive notice of the meeting! So at the meeting on
the 3rd Oct there were only 10 in attendance. If you were not
informed about the meeting then please send emails/letters of complaint to:
Bernard ‘moving forward’ Mcaulay. Email address: Bernard.McAulay@unitetheunion.org
Note: Another
combine meeting is planned for November, so make sure you are informed.
Play by
the rules? Crown House don’t!
We know that Crown
House are still up to no good, so keep the ‘play by the rules’ forms going and
also the weekly protests near you, if you can.
TUC March on October 20th in London
Unite may be assembling
at the Head Office in Holborn early on the day, to march to the Embankment. So
get your banners out and show the Con-Dems what we think of their cuts!
deep and give generously.
We are
appealing to you all to contribute the EIS hardship fund, make cheques payable
to ‘Joint Sites Committee’ and send to: 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford CM1 4XA. Please
raise at your workplace/union branch/Trades Council/any meetings or wherever
you can. Cheers.
Finally [and
good news], we now have now got a few activists on Unites [construction] Regional
Industrial Sector Committees [RISC’s] and the National Industrial sector
Committee’s [NISC’s]. Nice one, keep on keeping on eh!!
‘An injury to one is an injury to all : Solidarity forever’
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